Ok, not that anyone really cares or reads this thing anyway, we are back. M4 is here representing. I totally figured it out. Spring is here. Let me explain something to my southern peeps...you have no clue what it is to have "spring fever" until you have lived in the great white north. We are on spring break right now and the weather is beginning to get agreeable, meaning very little snow on the ground, and we are all itchin' to get outside. I'm organizing the house, spring cleaning, painting, even coming downstairs to the basement to work on the computer! I have missed you blog. I will try not to stray for too long ever again.
The boys are great. Mason is almost done with kindergarten, we have 2 months left which is approaching crazily. Max is in 2 programs right now. Loves the Kindergym, hates "the college" (as he calls it). I work at the Kindergym most mornings now as a substitute teacher at the preschool. I never knew how much I would enjoy it and I get to use gymnastics equipment. You should totally see my fat ass jumping on the trampoline, it brings out the kid in you. I'm petrified of "the pit". It's made of cubes of foam, millions of cubes in a literal hole. You are supposed to have gobs of upper body strength to get out, so I try to NEVER, I repeat NEVER get in. I have lost my socks and have almost lost my drawers too. Trust me, if you don't mind being embarressed in front of 3 and 4 year olds, then by all means, jump in. Otherwise, play it safe, like me, and sit this one out. I digress...
Mason has his first loose tooth. He's pretty proud and tells anyone who stands still long enough. Easter was good, he got some good loot, he gave an amazing performance at the Holy Thursday celebration. FYI, Catholic school, is very....well...churchy. Who knew? He sang the "Our Father" and then an amazing rendition of "Jesus loves me" that almost made me shed a tear. I still can't believe I have a kid in Catholic school. Refer back to the FYI. At least I am learning a thing or two.
Max is still his adorable, difficult self. The kid's got spunk, I gotta give him that. I must have been just like him and now my mother is getting her wish....payback. He's just so impulsive. I always have to tell him to "slow down". He leads with his head and I'm convinced he should be fitted for a personal helmet that he could wear as a hat or something.
I'm gonna upload some pics from Easter. Max obliged me and wore a decent shirt for about 30 minutes. He boycotts alot of fabrics and makes up ALOT of "rules" for himself. Like...."today, I can't use my arms, sooooo you have to brush my teeth" OR my personal favorite, "I don't wear jeans anymore because they are too soft". What does that even mean????