Wednesday, May 28, 2008

It's kinda funny....

It's kinda funny to think that just a couple of months ago, snow was on the ground. Now the kids can't get enought of the outside. We had a playdate with Nolan and our mommy friend, Sue. The hero of the birthday parties, Ryan was there too. They had a great lunch and then ran thru the sprinkler. The kids even let me have a photo moment! Next to Mason is Ryan and next to Max is Nolan. In the background is there really nice play gym set. The kids had a great time and the mommies soaked up the sun. The next picture is of Mason, Max and Nolan playing in the sprinkler toy. Let me tell you something about the water up here. Maybe it is because it's 24 degrees Celsius which is 75F the water feels brutally cold. I don't remember a garden hose producing water this cold in Texas! I think it's because it is so much hotter, relatively speaking there. It's pretty interesting what are bodies get used to. The sun makes it super hot, but with ZERO humidity compared to Houston. It's really something.

I was driving home from one of our soccer games the other night and we were driving home like we always do, and I felt compelled to take a picture of the sign in the middle of our downtown. There is a street sign pointing you in the right direction to Alaska. Yep, Alaska. It's amazing! Speaking of Alaska...I also just watched the BEST movie I've seen in a long time, Into the Wild. Yes, I know that I'm totally late in seeing this fabulous movie, but it was a joy to watch. I felt so many different emotions because you are able to put yourself in so many of the character's shoes. The lead, the parents, the sibling, the random strangers. I gave it 2 thumbs up! If anybody cares...

It's been a while

It's been a while since I've been on our family blog, so I'll try and catch up. It's not like too much exciting has happened, but this is our little family's life. Both boys were invited to a birthday party on Friday, May 23rd and it was a real treat because BOTH boys were asked to the party. Ryan is in our Kindergym class and is on Mason's soccer team, and he didn't technically have to invite Max, he did and I call tell you that Max was so excited! We aren't into the solo birthday party age too much yet at 3, so he was really excited to go too! It was a huge success!

Mommy has still been running. My race is this Saturday. I'm a bit nervous, but more anxious to just check this off my list! I've told Michael and the kids that they have to be at the finish line and take pictures of me. Yes, the narcissist is here. I am going to need CONCRETE evidence that I did this! It's not like it's a huge distance, but longer than this 33 year old woman has ever gone. So be ready for the pics!

The weather has been so amazing here that we are gravitationally pulled to be outside in the fact...Bobbi just called....we are headed out there right now! I will put some pics on tonight and write more.

Monday, May 12, 2008

thanks for making me a mommy

our little family had a really nice week and weekend. all week we shuttled the kids back and forth to their soccer games or gymnastics or the library. i try to keep the kids pretty busy with activities so that mommy doesn't go too crazy. also, when the weather is decent here, i try and keep the kids outside as much as possible. i am now realizing that michael and i are in jeopardy of losing our oldest son, Mason, to the neighbors because they have a Wii and we don't. Their oldest, Parker, is the coolest to my boys, especially Mason and he wants to do whatever Parker does. (He's 8.) Michael and I said we will get Mason and Max a Wii system, but after the summer because we want them outside all summer.

I bought some gorgeous flowers to plant in flowerbeds and my pots. I've become quite the gardener, who knew. There is nothing like having a glass of wine in the evening and watering/talking to all of my plants at night after I put the kids to bed. The sun is still out here until 11pm in the summer, so you can do just about anything late at night.

Mother's day was a complete shocker to me. Michael surprised me with another gift! He bought me a docking station thingie for my ipod so that I can play MY music upstairs. It is so nice. He really blew me away with this gift because I thought the firepit was my present. The years are changing him and I LOVE it! We went to the inlaws, had a nice BBQ and fire and then came home and had a cocktail with my hubby on the patio while the boys played in their sandbox. What a nice day. When I was putting Max to bed, I told him thank you for such a wonderful Mommy's day and he said, "Now we have to have a Boy's day". Interesting. I thought everyday was Boy's day in this household! Funny kids. I love my boys!

Monday, May 5, 2008

early mother's day gift

I officially am the proud owner of a firepit! I never knew I wanted or needed a firepit until I moved up here to Canada. We had such a great weekend with our neighbors and family over Saturday night drinking sangria by the fire. Michael and Uncle Julius managed to polish off not 1 but 2 Heinekegs. It was quite the feat. The kids played for hours with their best friends, Kenzie and Parker and not once had any fights. I was a good mommy and went to bed relatively early so that I could wake up for my run in the morning. It was awesome! I ran/walked my 5K and then went on to walk another 2K. In American terms, that's a bit over 4 miles. Did I mention I'm training for a 10K at the end of the month? Well, I am. Me, the woman who used to only run when being chased, is officially a runner. I feel stronger just saying it! Michael and the boys have promised to be there on the day of the race at the finish line taking pictures of me and Aunt Kathy. Go us!