Wednesday, April 30, 2008

today's been a good day

we got a chilly rain storm today which was nice because we ended up staying home most of the day. we had a nice playdate where the kids entertained themselves and the mommies lounged around in comfortable silence, reading magazines and sipping some coffee. it was nice. i've got a chicken cooking in the oven, the boys are in the other room and we haven't had a drop of blood today, some tears, but no blood. it's been a good day. michael is upstairs watching old Charlie Gibson and the ABC news and probably plotting some new conspiracy theory as i sit and type this....i can't wait to go upstairs and hear what it is! it's been a good day.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

6 full weeks of soccer!!!!

Yesterday was the official kick-off (pun totally intended) of soccer season! Max had his first game last night and his coach is pretty awesome, which means, he wants the parents to STAY OFF THE FIELD. With 3 year olds, that's a lot easier said than done. Mason played quietly on the sidelines with a new friend who happens to be on HIS team that plays tonight. We basically will be at the soccer fields every evening Monday thru Thursday for the next 6 weeks. I know that I did this to myself, essentially, by putting them in these programs, but they enjoy it and I kinda do too. If I ever figure out how to make little movies and put them on my blog, my life's work will be complete.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

our family saturday

we have had the nicest day far. well, it started off a little different because i had to run up to the emergency room of the hospital to get some antibiotics for this ear infection and throat thing that had been killing me for about a week now...and here in GP, they don't really have drop-in places for little ailments like have to visit the full blown emergency room at the hospital...different. luckily it only took 30 minutes today at 5 am. anyway
so, michael decides we are going to make breakfast with the kids. we make pancakes from scratch, bacon & sausage (not from scratch), and eggs. we feast. max eats his weight in bacon every time. that kid can put away some bacon, you just have to watch out for him because he tends to eat with such gusto that he forgets to chew and chokes...alot. mason loves putting all the bacon on his plate and get max all in a tissy, that's what big brothers do, i guess. after we make our delicious breakfast and dirtied every last pot and pan in the kitchen, i clean it up while my husband yells, "who wants to go outside?" puts on his jacket and shoes and walks out the front door while the boys are left confused. of course they want to go outside, but in daddy's world, he puts his stuff on and leaves and forgets all about the 3 and 4 year old who are running into each other trying to get their stuff on to get out there too.
after MOMMY assists with the preparations, DADDY gets to play outside with the boys. the weather today in GP is amazing upon first glance out the window. Crystal, clear day. Sun nice and high and the temperature is warming up nicely, but if you look closer, there is still snow on the ground. It's April 25th and there is still snow. The boys are in shorts and rainboots with their shovels throwing snow around the back and front yards. I decided to break out the food coloring and pour it on the snow in big chunks. the boys love this. we make colored snowballs and snowcones. Max decided to eat his snowcone, but gross, because you don't know where that snow has been. I take pictures to "make my memories" that I keep telling Michael that we have to do, and he just smiles and tells me i'm crazy. he proceeds to mock me the entire day about my "making memories" comment. thank god for husbands.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

max & mason's dad

max & mason's Dad

this is michael. the completion to our 4M equation. He's kind and sensitive, in his own way. A total conspiracy theorist, but I love him, probably because of it. our family.