Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Thanks Aunt Jennie!

Jennie Lynn has given me Jack Johnson. I would've never known about Jack Johnson if it hadn't been for Jennie Lynn. One of his songs is her wedding song and I listen to the CD she gave from her Playa del Carmen wedding all the time. Whenever I listen to JJ I think of Jennie! Miss you JLy.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Just looking back at my boys...

Here is Max way back when he was just a little baby! Mason is barely a year older. I can't believe how quickly the time has gone by. Who could resist these faces??? Tell me, who?

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Just a day at the river...

Well, we decided to drive up to O'Brien Park the other night and played around in the river and threw rocks too. The boys climbed all over these huge fallen logs and had a really good time exploring the whole area. It's gorgeous with huge pine trees and it is really sheltered on the river bank. You have to walk down the little hill to get to the river but then you are welcomed by all these beautiful rocks. It's weird to think how pretty the rocks are here. We typically have to pay for rocks this pretty. The boys, basically Max, got totally soaked, but didn't care one bit and had the best time splashing and throwing rocks. Growing up in a house full of women, throwing rocks or hanging out with nature would've appealed to me, but when you have boys, this is what you do.

No matter where we go, Max always has to have a stick. Usually it is used for a weapon but sometimes he just likes to throw them at things. (Usually a weapon). Mason was content throwing rocks, but then he starting getting too close to Max and we were convinced we were going to have an "incident" on our hands that requires another emergency room visit. Luckily, we were ok.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Our boy is 5!

We can hardly believe it! Mason turned 5! I can still remember going to the doctor for a check up and then discovering I had to go to the hospital because my blood pressure was up. I was so pissed because I had planned a FULL day of shopping. That put a wrench in my plans. LOL. At 8:46 pm our gorgeous baby boy was born. He weighed 8 lbs 3 1/2 ozs and was 21 inches long. He was perfect since he was a C-section and was ready for action! All of our wonderful friends and family were there to help us welcome our baby boy into this world.
Mason had a pretty good birthday, I think. Nothing too fancy. I think once he is in kindergarten we will invite his friends from school and have a little party or something, we typically just keep it low key with the family. He got some great stuff a Superman lunchbox for next year, a cool race track. We are so proud of our boy!